The Whole Life Of Richard Mah

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Have many question on me,is it i have been travel this world before i get born.why have many picture like a thunder flash across my mind during a second per hour go through my life.the place make me feel have a intimate relationship which storage in my memory.Recently all the problem like to tested my patient and the level of my emotional control.this like a big temptation i had faces and seen in past decade.but this time like lose of control,my mouth was say out many rude and uncourtesy word when or even at any places to the people i met.the genes of violence was contain a part of my body to devastate my "FUTURE".continue....................

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Have something wanted voice out from me,but can't and difficult.mute was not belong to me,heart don't know how to interpret the problem,XXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxx..........